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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Compass Point Primary School


Our Uniform Policy

Our school uniform is important to us. Not only does it make us look smart and promote high standards, but it's also important for safety, and providing harmony between all groups in our diverse school.

Children are encouraged to wear school uniform consisting of a white polo shirt, navy sweatshirt and dark trousers or a skirt.  This clothing can be branded with the school logo or unbranded. Children should also wear shoes that are comfortable.  High heels or open toed sandals are not allowed as they are a health and safety risk.  We strongly recommend that parents label all items of clothing and property with their child's name.

Branded school uniform can be purchased from Monkhouse School-wear specialists:

WEBSITE: monkhouse.com

Our PTFA also offer for sale good quality, washed, second hand school uniform throughout the year.  If you have clothes you would like to donate or buy please contact the PTFA compasspointptfa@gmail.com

PE Kit

A change of clothing is required, consisting of blue/black shorts or tracksuit bottoms, and preferably a white t-shirt.  PE t-shirts with the school logo are available to purchase from our uniform supplier.  Your child will need a pair of daps for indoor PE.  Trainers are acceptable for outdoor lessons.  We strongly recommend that all PE kit is clearly labelled with your child's name.


Swimming lessons take place at Bristol South Swimming Pool.  Classes will be notified in advance when their year group is booked to have lessons, but this is usually during KS2.   A sensible swimming costume and towel will be required - a swimming hat and goggles are optional. Pupils with long hair must have a means to tie it up during swimming.

Art/Craft Activities

Whilst every attempt will be made to protect your child, the school cannot be held responsible for clothing which has been stained with glue, paint, clay, or similar. Therefore it would be advisable to equip your child with some form of protective clothing, such as an old shirt or apron. We do also have a supply of old shirts and aprons that children may use.


In the interests of Health and Safety, children are asked not to wear jewellery to school. Children who already have pierced ears should wear studs. These should be removed before PE and Games.

Personal Property

The loss of valuable items can be very distressing so parents are urged not to allow children to bring them to school. Children often enjoy using their own coloured pencils and these may be brought to school in a suitable container. No other educational equipment is required. Older children who walk home from school on their own may bring a mobile phone so that their safety is ensured but these must be handed in daily.

Lost Property

If your child has lost anything, please ask your child's teacher. Please ask if you are trying to find lost property. We will do everything we can to find missing items but this can be very difficult unless items are named.