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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Compass Point Primary School


The School Day

Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Classes:

Morning Session:

8.50 am – 12.00pm in Year YR-3

8.50 am - 12.30pm in Year 4 -6

Morning Break: 15 minutes
Afternoon session:


1.00 - 3.30pm in Year YR-3

1.30-3.30pm in Year 4 -6

Afternoon break 15 minutes (KS1 only)
Total 33.75 hours per week

Nursery sessions:

Morning  9am – 12 pm
Afternoon 1pm – 3.15pm


Specialist Resource Base Provision

Children in the resource base provision attend school from 9am to 3pm (30 hours per week).  This allows the safe movement of children to and from school by home school transport. These children have bespoke provision which enables staff to support them throughout the whole school day. During less structured times such as lunch and break time, children are supported by the resource base staff team to work on their social and communication skills in line with their EHCP targets


Wrap around care

There is a breakfast club in operation for those children wishing to attend.  This is open from 8am.   There is also an after school club for children who wish to attend. This is from 3.30 to 5:30pm daily (5pm on Fridays).

Pick up areas for the children at the end of the school day are in the EYFS or back playgrounds respectively.  We ask parents to ensure that children are collected from school on time.   In an emergency, or if you know that you will be unavoidably delayed, please telephone the school office.