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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Compass Point Primary School


At Compass Point we believe communication between school and home is crucial for the education of children and our partnership with parents and carers. As such, we have a number of means of communication between home and school.


We regularly update our website with news, class blogs and newsletters so you can see what we are doing in school, as well as forthcoming events. We also have a Facebook page and via X (formally known as Twitter)

Class Dojo

We use Class Dojo for messages that are for both parents and children. We love Class Dojo because it is a safer way of sharing what is going on in school. We use Class Dojo as one of our main ways of staying in touch with families. If you haven't signed up for an account then we recommend you do so without delay.

Text & Email messaging

We use School Gateway as an email and text  messaging system to keep you informed of upcoming events at school. Please download the app and keep the office up to date with your current contact numbers.


We produce a weekly newsletter containing important information as well as a celebration of the exciting things we've done that week.


We have a general school email address enquiries@compasspoint.excalibur.org.uk  which you are welcome to use to contact us.

Parents Forums

We have regular parents' forums to allow you to meet with senior leadership and governors at the school, and provide feedback to us directly. This is a good opportunity to discuss wider school issues. Check the school calendar for the next meeting date.

Parents Evenings

We have two parents' evenings a year where you can meet your child's teacher directly to discuss how well your child is getting on, many parents also use these meetings as an opportunity to discuss how they can support their child with their learning at home.

Open door policy

You are of course welcome to come in and arrange to meet a member of our staff for a face to face chat if you would prefer!

Curriculum information sessions

We hold regular meetings for parents and carers in how they best support their child with different areas of the curriculum. these are important opportunities for parents and carers to come into school to learn about how we teach their children. These sessions get excellent feedback from parents and are arranged at times which are most convenient to parents.

Open Days, Assemblies and Curriculum Events

Each class leads and performs in at least two assemblies a year that celebrate the learning within their class. These dates are circulated in our annual calendar. In addition to this parents are invited into school to watch plays, music events and to share in the learning of that term's topic. 

We also open the school to the whole school community twice a year to enable parents to come into school and see what their children have been learning about. We try to make these days as fun as possible and usually teachers set up activities that allow parents and children to work alongside one another on a shared project or activity.

Access to Information

Parents are welcome to see any of their own child's school records. We are committed as a school to having transparency so we publish a lot of curriculum information as well as assessment data and reports from external sources on our school website.  Please ask your child's teacher or the Head teacher if you need further information.

Learning at home

We encourage children to continue their learning outside of school with your help. The website contains information about the curriculum at school, to allow you to better understand our goals. Take a look at your child's class blog for information about how you can support their learning at home.


We love to share our wonderful school life with people, and use all the individual skills people from our community have to offer our children a broad range of learning opportunities. We are always eager for any time or help you can give - from showing a particular skill you might have, to simply reading with a child each week.

If you are interested in coming in to help our school in any way please get in contact with us.  All volunteers are subject to safeguarding checks and there is a comprehensive volunteers' policy and procedure in place in school that you will be asked to agree to.