Whole school admissions
Compass Point Primary School is part of the Excalibur Academies Trust and use the Bristol Local Authority’s admissions team to handle our September school admissions. The deadline for applications to apply for a school place is January 15th.
For more information please visit the Bristol City Council School Admissions page
If you would like a tour of the school please contact the school office on 0117 3772340 to arrange a convenient time.
Children whose fourth birthday falls on or before August 31st of any year would normally join the reception class at the start of the following Autumn term. A child becomes of compulsory school age on reaching five years, but a parent is not legally required to send a child to school until the beginning of the term following the child’s fifth birthday.
Parents must register their first choice of school with the local authority before January 15 in the year preceding the academic year the child starts school.
If you have a summer born child or wish to defer your child's start date at school, you will still need to make an application by 15th January and get headteacher approval of the deferment. For more information click here
Compass Point has seven mainstream classes, each class has the capacity for 30 children. In addition we have a nursery provision and 4 classes (28 spaces) in our specialist resource base provision
Please visit our Nursery Page for more information and to apply for a nursery space which are allocated in accordance with our admissions policy. Children are allocated 15 hour places with some 30 hour places available to eligible children.
Children are allocated places through the Bristol SEND team. Our specialist resource base is for children who have an EHCP and who have a diagnosis of Autism. We welcome visits from parents who may be interested in their child attending our school. We have regular opportunities for parents to come and look around our provision and to talk with staff. These dates are added to our school calendar.
Primary Admissions
Council House
College Green
Telephone: 0117 922 2000
For a link to our admission arrangements please visit the Excalibur Admissions page