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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Compass Point Primary School


Here are some of the events Compass Point PTFA have organised.



What is the PTFA and what does it do?

A warm welcome from the Compass Point PTFA.

The PTFA is the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association. Everyone is automatically a member of the PTFA, and all are welcome to our regular meetings to help decide on what we do, when and how.

The PTFA is a charity too, registered with the Charity Commission. We put on many school and public events throughout the year with the aim of growing and strengthening our community, as well as helping to raise vital funds for the school. These can go towards anything from exciting field trips for the children to brand new playground equipment and much, much more, helping to make the school experience fun and rewarding for everyone.


How to donate

All of our profit from events, cake sales and more goes towards the school with the aim of making our children’s experiences there the best they can be. You don’t have to wait for an event to donate, however! You can do so at any time using the QR code below.



Thank you for your support.


Meet the committee members


David – Chair  Hello, I'm Dave.  Both my son Indy and my daughter River are currently at Compass Point. You will sometimes see me dropping the kids off at breakfast club or picking them up from after school club so feel free to say hi if you do. My day job is Head of Operations at the Bristol Old Vic theatre, I've always had jobs that involve some aspect of event organising so I am really looking forward to planning lots of fun PTFA activities over the coming years. 

Stuart   – Treasurer


Heather  – Co-Secretary


Chloe - Co-Secretary -  I'm mum to Ellen and Robyn at Compass Point. My day job is a charity fundraiser, so it made sense to get involved with the PTFA and I really enjoy being part of the school community


Would you like to join the committee to help us guide what the PTFA does? We have plenty of room. Please get in touch at compasspointptfa@gmail.com

The PTFA needs you

 We’re always on the lookout for new ideas and always appreciate your help – so whether you’ve got some spare time to volunteer on an ice cream stall, you have a great fundraising idea to share, or you’re just keen to meet other parents and make some new friends – we’d love for you to get involved.

Why not drop us a line at compasspointptfa@gmail.com, pop along to the next meeting – or come and say hi if you spot us in the playground. We always have a slot in the school newsletter too, where we’ll advertise all of our upcoming events.

The PTFA at a glance


  • - PTFA stands for Parents, Teachers and Friends Association
  • - It’s run by a Committee of parents, teachers and carers, like you
  • - It organises fun events to raise money for our school
  • - It looks for ways to make our school community stronger
  • - It’s a registered charity, number 1065759
  • - Everyone is automatically a member of the PTFA – that includes you!
  • - It’s a great way to meet people and make new friends
  • - We meet regularly to discuss projects, and everyone’s welcome to come along and have their say. The more the merrier.




Minutes and documents


Academic Year 2023/2024

Academic Year 2022/2023

Academic Year 2021/2022