“If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.”
Maya Angelou
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
We celebrate the unique and individual nature of every child in our school. We teach everyone to value diversity and to always act with respect. We encourage the development of our children’s emotional literacy, social skills, sense of right and wrong and their ability to manage their own behaviour and keep themselves safe.
We use the Jigsaw scheme of work as the basis for the majority of our PSHE teaching; this combines the best practice in teaching emotional literacy, social skills and PSHE with bringing the techniques of “mindfulness” to children. We are particularly mindful of events in the world around us and also use PSHE lessons and impromptu circle time activities to help children make sense of events whether they be of class, school, national or global importance.
The Jigsaw curriculum empowers children to understand and value who they are, manage their own feelings, make positive choices, be resilient and enjoy a happy and healthy life and education. It is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme at the same time.
The themes are:-
- Term 1 – Being Me in my World
- Term 2 – Celebrating Difference
- Term 3 – Dreams and Goals
- Term 4 – Healthy Me
- Term 5 – Relationships
- Term 6 – Changing Me
A more detailed introduction to the scheme of work for parents and carers can be found here.