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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Compass Point Primary School

Nursery - Owl Class

About Us

We are a Teacher led Nursery setting attached to Compass Point.  As part of the school, we have access to all of the school facilities including school field, forest school site, sensory nurture rooms and playgrounds. 

We have one large child-centred nursery classroom which specifically caters for the developmental needs of 3 and 4 year olds.  The children have direct access to a spacious outdoor area which provides both indoor and outdoor play and learning opportunities.  The children share the play space with the Reception class children which enhances their friendships and learning further.

To view a virtual tour of our Nursery please click here.

If you would like to apply for our school Nursery please complete the online application form.

Our Vision

We believe that building positive, trusting relationships with families and children is key to their academic, social, emotional and physical development. The Early Years provision provides a safe and stimulating environment for children to thrive.   At Compass Point we want our children to be excited, engaged and confident in their learning. We strive for our children to set their own challenges, take risks, review approaches to learning and make links to previous experiences.

At Compass Point Primary we aim to provide the highest quality care and education for all our children thereby giving them a strong foundation for their future learning. We create a safe and happy environment with motivating and enjoyable learning experiences that enable children to become confident and independent. We value the individual child and work alongside families and others to meet their needs and help every child to reach their full potential enabling all children to ‘be the best they can be’.

As outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), ‘Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child's experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances.’

We adhere to the Statutory Framework of the EYFS and the four guiding principles that shape practice within Early Years settings.

  • Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured
  • Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships
  • Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers
  • Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.

Our Nursery Team

Our school Headteacher; Mrs Linda Brown and our Early Years Leader; Mrs Dawn Chivers lead our friendly, professional and child-centered early years team to ensure safe, stimulating, education rich environments. Your child will be assigned a key worker who will be the main carer for your child at Nursery, they will be your first point of contact and will regularly update you on your child's learning and development.

Nursery & Preschool Team (ID 1200)



Wrap-Around-Care & Fees

If you require wrap around care for your child we offer a breakfast club from 8am and after school club to 5pm at a cost of £6.25 per hour run by members of the Nursery team. We also offer top-up hours for £6.25 per hour to supplement your funded hours, enabling flexible childcare which meet the needs of our families.

If you are interested in wrap around provision or adding additional hours to your funded provision please notify us on your applicaton form.  Spaces are limited but we are happy to work with you to find a solution to your childcare needs.  

Lunch is part of the whole day sessions and parents are asked to provide a packed lunch or can pay for a school meal at a cost of £2.50 per day.

If your child is already with us and you would like to book additional sessions, please read our Nursery Fees Policy and complete our  booking form. 


 We currently have a number of fully funded 15-hour Term Time spaces for 3 and 4 year olds in Owl Class, as well as a limited number of 30-hour Term time spaces, and the option to pay to top-up your child's session at the cost of £6.25 per hour. Children are eligible to start Compass Point Nursery the term after their 3rd birthday, with intakes in September, January and April. 

Child’s 3rd birthday 

can access a funded place from… 

Between 1 April and 31 August 

the following 1st September 

Between 1 September and 31 December 

the following 1st  January 

Between 1 January and 31 March 

the following 1st April 

 Funded 15-hour spaces are as follows:

Monday (9am-3:15pm) + Tuesday (9am-3:15pm) + Wednesday (9am -11:30am)
Wednesday (12:45pm - 3:15pm) + Thursday (9am - 3:15pm) + Friday (9am - 3:15pm)

A limited number of funded 30-hour spaces are available to families who qualify for the government scheme.  To find out more and to see if you are eligible click here. These spaces are normally offered 9am-3pm Monday to Friday.


If you would like to apply for our school Nursery please complete the online application form.


How to apply:

1. Parents / carers complete the online application form.  Once we have received your application you will be added to the wait list until the term before they are eligible for a space.

2. If you would like to look around please ask at the school office and they will arrange a visit to the Nursery.

3. You will receive your confirmed offer of a place in writing the term before they are due to begin. Your place will be held open for 2 weeks from the offer date, you must contact the school to confirm your acceptance of the space.

4. Once you have accepted the space, you will be invited to a welcome meeting at school before the child can attend. You will be asked to bring in your child’s Birth Certificate or Passport as proof of age.

5. If a place becomes available during the academic year, it will be offered to the next child who is eligible:

  • Children in Need or with Special Educational Needs
  • Children currently with a space at nursery returning for a second year
  • Date of birth order; oldest child first
  • Children who have siblings at the school
  • Distance from the school.