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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Compass Point Primary School


We are active members of the Chess in Schools programme. All children in Year 4 learn to play chess with a qualified teacher using our class set of chess sets.  We even have a playground chess set that is very popular!

The benefits of chess

"Chess is a universal game, knowing no boundaries of age, gender, faith, ethnicity or disability, that promotes key intellectual skills such as problem solving, logical thinking, pattern recognition and concentration. Playing chess also fosters intellectual character. Its cerebral reputation boosts self-esteem and gives children ‘grit’ – the tenacity to cope with adversity – which helps them grow into rounded and employable individuals. It does this by teaching children how to lose and how to win gracefully, to think ahead and foresee the consequences of their actions"    Chess in Schools 

Opportunities to play chess

Once our children have learnt how to play chess they have access to chess club at lunch times. Our children also have the opportunity to attend the annual chess festival Chessfest in London, where children get to play against other schools as well as Grand Masters! Our children love playing chess and it is a very popular game amongst our children.