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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Compass Point Primary School


At Compass Point, we work hard to ensure all children achieve their full potential in the academic, artistic, social, spiritual and emotional aspects of learning. We offer all learners an engaging, exciting and immersive range of experiences that are designed to capture, inspire and ignite learning. As a school, we have created and implemented an enquiry based curriculum with a focus on skills progression and creativity.


Compass Point makes extensive use of a wide range of opportunities and resources in our locality. This means that teachers are able to provide a range of meaningful experiences for the children in order to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the themes they are learning about.

Our school celebrates the diversity of the pupils, staff, parents and community and we aim to instil British Values in all pupils. At Compass Point, we actively promote a culture of mutual respect and tolerance, democracy, the rule of law, equal opportunities and freedom. British values permeate throughout the school curriculum and support the development of the whole child.